We are passionate about ecological designs - for individual and for community benefit - as well as for environmental and economical benefits too, and love EcoVillages!
Across the UK over 20 CoHousing communities have already been built and are proven viable
Community Land Trusts
Universal CLTs and Formal Constitutions are available for intentional eco communities via our networks.
Exception & Exemption Sites
Across the UK, Councils are supposed to have made Exemption and Exception sites available for excluded groups forming intentional eco communities to bid for, for their Community Land Trusts.
From Tinkers Bubble to CAT - from an Earthship Community in Fife - to an Earthship in Brighton, exemplars prove how people have gained Planning Consents for Green Field sites, and their exemplary standards can be used to gain approvals for others - the way forwards cast by pioneers. The Global Ecovillage Network (GEN) has quite literally paved the way forwards for the nextGEN of EcoVillage (type) communities to follow.